How It Works

 Tech Requirements

Online courses may be accessed on a variety of devices and platforms. Please ensure you have the following technical requirements:

Hardware Requirements

  • A relatively new computer (PC or Macintosh, less than three years old), webcam preferred.
  • High speed Internet connection (cable modem, DSL, LAN, etc.)

Note: A mobile device may be used as a supplemental device to the computer for completing the requirements of online courses, but not as a substitute.

Software Requirements

  • A learning management system (Blackboard) account (provided)
  • A College computer account (provided)
  • Productivity software (e.g., Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Apple iWork)
  • A Web browser compatible with the Blackboard system (e.g., Internet Explorer,Firefox)
  • Relevant plug-ins (e.g., Flash player, QuickTime Player)

These items enable you to access your courses and to review course materials presented in a variety of formats. People with disabilities may also require a screen reader or speech recognition software. Courses at John Jay College are developed and delivered using the Blackboard learning management system. You may log in to Blackboard using your CUNY Portal account, or directly on the Blackboard login page.

 Time Requirements

Online learning is a great alternative for people who want to go back to school but can’t find the time. However it also requires a different set of skills to succeed.

  • Time Management: You must devote the same amount of time to an online course as you would a campus course. It is important to note that there's no set class time; It is up to you to decide when to review the material and complete the assignments
  • Writing: Unless videoconferencing is allowed, all your discussions and assignments will be submitted in writing and other forms of presentation. Your final grade will depend on your ability to write clear, organized thoughts, and to observe the rules of online etiquette.
  • Technical Proficiency: Online courses take place exclusively online. If you lack basic computer skills, it’s recommended that you improve them before enrolling. Support and training are available from the College if you need additional assistance.

When you take classes on campus, you’re expected to attend regularly, complete assignments on time, join classroom discussions, and complete projects or exams to demonstrate your mastery of the material. The same is expected in online classes, only online and remotely.

Online courses are just as challenging as campus classes. You must read the required materials, complete the required assignments, and contribute to class discussions. Like in-person classes, the class is formatted and customized to fit the content and learning objectives.

Course activities are complete on your schedule. There will be deadlines for assignments and exams, but you can study where and when it’s most convenient. Also, because classroom discussions happen online in forums, discussion boards, social media, and other online channels, effective writing skills are necessary to participate.

Sample Course Video

Sample Course Coming Soon

Student Testimonials

Tips on how to juggle online


All John Jay students are assigned a campus email. If you are accessing your email for the first time, please follow the instructions listed on the page. It is extremely important that you activate your webmail because all college emails are sent directly to that account.

If you are an alumnus, you already have a college email account. All students can view their John Jay email address under campus email on CUNYfirst.

Student Email Accounts:

Consist of the firstname.lastname,


For faculty, staff and students, initial passwords are set to jj1234 where 1234 is the last four digits of your social security number or assigned student ID.

You can change or reset the password for your email/network account, by visiting the Password Reset site. 

If you encounter any issues registering your account please contact the DoIT Helpdesk at (212) 237-8200


Assignment grades can be viewed on Blackboard under each course. Final grades are typically posted on CUNYFirst one week after the last day of class. You can view the final grades and your overall grade point average in CUNYFirst. 

Grade point average is computed by multiplying the numerical values of grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C-, D+, D, D-, F and WU with the number of credits of each course and then divided by the total number of attempted credits.

Student Code of Conduct

John Jay College has implemented a community of standards and conduct program, which is committed to:

  1. Promoting an environment which encourages students to upholding community standards.
  2. Providing a fair and unbiased process to address issues of student conduct that encourage all students to develop into productive members of society
  3. Facilitating the student disciplinary process when allegations are made against a student relative to the Henderson Rules (the rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order pursuant to article 129A of the New York Education Law); the University Bylaws; or other college regulations.
  4. Serving as a resource for students, faculty, and staff on matters related to student conduct

Please click on the links below to read the code of conduct

Student Disciplinary Procedures

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Sexual Harassment

For further information about student code of conduct and related issues, please contact the Student Affairs at 212-237-8871

CUNY First

CUNYfirst is a fully Integrated resources and services tool for students attending a CUNY school. All student administration needs can be navigated through CUNYFirst.

- Class Enrollment / Registration

- Financial Aid / Tuition Payment

- Graduation

- Academic Records (Transcripts, Enrollment Verification form etc.)

For the CUNYfirst training guide, please click here 


Blackboard serves as a virtual classroom for all John Jay Online students. Professors typically use Blackboard to post course related documents, communicate with students, and post grades. Students can interact with their professors and other students on Blackboard, post assignments, participate in discussions and so much more! Make sure to get familiar with the numerous features Blackboard has to offer!

Register Quick

Registration begins on a specific date for fall and spring semesters. Registration for all incoming final students is administered on a first-come-first serve basis. Students who have submitted their applications and final documents well before the application deadline receive priority registration. Once the class reaches its capacity, the class is closed and students have to choose a different course.

Students currently enrolled in the program are given an advance registration appointment date published on their CUNYFirst student center. 

All students must have a CUNYFirst account to be able to register for courses.

A list of courses for the program are added to the CUNYFirst portal before the registration date. Students have the opportunity to browse through the courses being offered that semester and plan their semester prior to registering for courses. We advise students to plan ahead so on registration day they can quickly schedule their classes.